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ISBN: 9781760995218
Dimensions: 19.8x13cm
Pages: 320
Publication year: 2025
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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90 Packets of Instant Noodles

Written by Deb Fitzpatrick

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Joel and Craggs are in it together. They drink together, they flirt with petty theft together and, when Craggs turns violent, they face the consequences together too. That’s until Joel’s dad makes a deal with the police. Craggs is off to juvenile detention and Joel to solitary confinement.

Ninety days of fending for himself in a remote bush shack with no radio, telephone or fridge. Miles from anywhere, Joel starts to like his own company, until one day the past tracks him down. Craggs is on his doorstep, and he hasn’t changed a bit.


‘Deb Fitzpatrick has written a clean and realistic depiction of adolescent boys behaving badly. It is a cautionary tale and should resonate with a target audience that is sometimes difficult to reach.’ The Age

‘A good read for older teens.’ Herald Sun

‘Loyalty is the theme of this excellent first novel which delicately treads the minefield of adolescence gone wrong. Deb Fitzpatrick skilfully renders the ripple effect when a 15-year-old gets into the wrong company and enjoys it … it is more importantly freighted with fine writing and insights into human nature.’ Weekend Australian

‘This is a very well written novel. Joel is utterly believable and has a compelling voice.’ Reading Time

‘Fitzpatrick is a writer to watch. Highly recommended for readers 14-plus.’ The West Australian

‘The realistic plot excellent characterisation and development of relationships make this novel a worthwhile read for older teenagers.’ Magpies

‘… this is definitely a good read offering powerful lessons of resilience and self-reliance that will engage the type of audience who would most benefit from the more reflective aspects of the novel.’ Scan


CBCA Book of the Year Awards (Notable Book 2011)

Pages: 320
Publication Year: 2025
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Deb Fitzpatrick

Deb Fitzpatrick loves bushwalking with her family. When she can, she sneaks away to a shack in the karri forest of the south-west of Western Australia. She’s the author of 11 books for readers of all ages, some of which have received awards in Australia, been published in the US and optioned for film. Her […]