A Sausage Went for a Walk
Created by
Ellisha MajidPeter Kendall
$16.99 GST
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Want to butter up your young reader? More than 50,000 children have egged on Sausage as he scrambled away from the breakfast table. Find out why Sausage is so full of beans after 30 years spent avoiding poachers and cereal killers who’d like to get him into hot water.
A flaky story that, three decades later, is still so fresh it’s straight from the cow.
‘… Kendall has captured the mischievous spirit of the escaping breakfast and given the food chutzpah.’ The West Australian
Ellisha Majid
Ellisha Majid was born in Kuala Lumpur but lived for several years in England, the United States and Melbourne. She moved to Perth, where she taught at a high school. Ellisha enjoys reading, yoga, good food and the outdoors.