Deliveries usually come in a van. Deliveries are often heavy boxes or oddly shaped padded bags. Deliveries do not come late on a school night. They don’t come in a speeding car. And they don’t cry.
When Poppy Campbell’s dad opens the front door to find a small, very distressed child clinging to a green blanket, the family try their hardest to do the right thing. They make the little girl comfortable, call the police, and look after her while the authorities search for her family. Why has this happened? The cops are called in, nappies bought, old toys dug out, and friendships made.
‘This is a beautiful story about realising that not everyone is as lucky as some.‘ Lamont Books
‘This is a light, easy read from accomplished Australian writer Deb Fitzpatrick, who handles an unusual subject with humour and insight.’ Books+Publishing