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ISBN: 9781760990411
Dimensions: B Format: 19.8x12.8cm
Pages: 104
Publication year: 2021
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Beneath the Trees

Written by Cristy Burne


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Cam and Sophie feel like they’ve been travelling forever to get to the rainforest and the river and their cousins. They just want to see a platypus in the wild, but with the rain tipping down and the river turning wild they can’t see a thing. Until suddenly, they can. A platypus is just below them, and it needs help! But when their rescue attempt goes horribly wrong, it’s not just the platypus that needs saving …


Beneath the Trees is a great contained wilderness survival story for kids aged six and up … They will love reading this adventure and imaging how they would survive if lost in a forest.’ Books+Publishing

‘Wow, what a page turner! Couldn’t put it down and raced through it faster than the raging river in the story. Cristy really knows how to grab a reader’s attention and hang on.’ Jan Nicholls, President, CBCA WA

Beneath the Trees is a wilderness survival story that is full of practical advice for independent young adventurers.’ Readings

‘A kid’s own adventure like no other.’ Sound Telegraph

I give this book five stars out of five because this is a realistic and amazing story.’ Elizabeth, age 8, Alphabet Soup

‘A heart thumping trek through dense rainforest after the children fall into a river will grab readers from the start.’ Magpies

‘This is a rollicking ride for both the main characters and the reader.’ ReadPlus

Beneath the Trees is a page-turning combination of true-to-life survival techniques, environmental themes and action, which makes for a fun and informative read for children aged 6+.’ Better Reading

‘If you want a book with loads of adventure as well as being informative, you will enjoy this book!’ Helen Tomazin, ALIA Scoop


WA Young Readers Book Awards (Shortlisted 2022)

Pages: 104
Publication Year: 2021
Publisher: Fremantle Press
ISBN: 9781760990411
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Cristy Burne

Cristy Burne grew up climbing trees, jumping drains, chasing cows and inventing stories. She has a passion for learning through doing, and loves to inspire creativity, daring and resilience in her readers. Cristy is a children’s author and science writer with degrees in Biotechnology and Science Communication. She has also worked as a science circus […]