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ISBN: 9781760994099
Dimensions: B Format: 19.8x12.8cm
Pages: 352
Publication year: 2024
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Beyond Carousel

Written by Brendan Ritchie

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What would you do if everyone you knew had disappeared? This is the thrilling sequel to the critically acclaimed young adult novel, Carousel.

Nox, Taylor and Lizzy have just escaped a nightmare. After months of being trapped inside a shopping centre they are finally free. Free to roam the streets of Perth and free to solve the mystery of what happened outside the doors of Carousel. But the city is not like it once was, and the dangers are far from over. Looters lurk in the empty streets and packs of dogs are never far behind. Saving those they love will mean risking everything – and time is running out.


‘… rereleased for the post-pandemic reader and poses some big questions about how we cope with social isolation, lockdown, change and adversity.’ Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA)

‘Pervading Beyond Carousel is a theme of Art and the place of artists in society … Ritchie’s rich and thrilling conclusion satisfactorily answers some of the questions posed in the duology but leaves the reader pondering unresolved ones.’ Read Plus

Pages: 352
Publication Year: 2024
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Brendan Ritchie

Brendan Ritchie is a novelist and academic from the south coast of WA. He is the winner of the 2022 Dorothy Hewett Award for an unpublished manuscript and author of novels including Carousel (2015), Beyond Carousel (2016) and Eta Draconis (2023). Brendan has a PhD in Creative Writing and has also published poetry and non-fiction […]

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