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ISBN: 9781760991654
Dimensions: 20.8x14cm
Pages: 96
Publication year: 2022
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Blue Wren

Written by Bron Bateman

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A collection that speaks of the roar inside the woman, these poems are structured around a suite of Frida Kahlo paintings. They are love poems, poems of tenderness and anger, queer passion and fulfilment, and maternal gratitude. They are a powerful way of healing, of reclaiming the past, and of embracing the beauty of now.


‘These honest, brave and hopeful poems constitute an interior journey that is well worth embarking upon.’ Writing WA

‘There’s a working-class wit and tenacity throughout Blue Wren (Fremantle Press), which is perfectly expressed in Bateman’s poem “Ambitions” …’ California Review of Books

Pages: 96
Publication Year: 2022
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Bron Bateman

Bron Bateman is a poet, editor, playwright, and educator from Boorloo (Perth). Her first poetry collection, People from bones was published by Ragged Raven Press (UK) in 2002. Her PhD, a collection of poetry and an exegesis exploring female embodiment and experiences of motherhood was completed in 2012. Her second collection, Of Memory and Furniture, […]