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ISBN: 9781760992422
Dimensions: 19.5x19.5cm
Pages: 32
Publication year: 2023
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Bush Birds

Written by Helen Milroy

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Little birds, big birds, all different kinds. How many bush birds can you find?

From curious blue wrens to booming emus, and from feasting lorikeets to eagles soaring, Bush Birds by Helen Milroy is a fun and lively read with bold illustrations designed to celebrate the birds in our bush.


‘This is an appealing, collectible book that is a wonderful starter book to encourage children to search for an enjoy the wildlife around them.’ StoryLinks

‘Helen Milroy takes children through a range of common bush birds against brightly coloured Indigenous-inspired illustrations accompanied by a gentle rhyming text on each facing page. This book would be a delight to read aloud and look at with a pre-school child or early reader.’ Reading Time

‘A strong sturdy little book suited to fit into small hands with a solid cover, this book shows many Australian birds in their differing environments.’ ReadPlus

‘Helen Milroy’s Indigenous ancestry links her to an aeon’s-long tradition of storytelling and connection to nature, but her children’s books also touch on up-to-the-minute issues.’ Fremantle Herald

‘A celebration of Australian birdlife, with bold colours and simple (but powerful) text.’ @littlebookishteacher

‘Vibrant illustrations and lively text capture the beauty and movement of [a] selection of wonderful birds.’ @luluandjazzchildrensbookshop

Pages: 32
Publication Year: 2023
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Helen Milroy

Helen Milroy is a descendant of the Palyku people of the Pilbara region of Western Australia. She was born and educated in Perth. Helen has always had a passionate interest in health and wellbeing, especially for children. Helen studied medicine at the University of Western Australia. She is currently a professor at UWA, Consultant Child […]

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