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ISBN: 9781760993351
Dimensions: 21x13.8cm
Pages: 200
Publication year: 2025
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Chickensaurus: now in colour

Written by James Foley

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Sally Tinker, the world’s foremost inventor under the age of 12, is back with a new adventure in invention – now in full colour!

When Sally’s nemesis hatches a fowl and poultry plot, there’s no room for the lily-livered. Sally and co will need all their pluck to return the world to its rightful pecking order.

This is the fourth book in the S.Tinker Inc. series of graphic novels.


‘For middle-grade readers who like a lot of humorous action, this is their book.’ Buzz Words

‘This book would be great for people who like humour, dinosaurs and comics. If you have read any other James Foley books and you liked them, you would like this one.’ Alexia, age 9, Alphabet Soup

‘Chickensaurus is a romp of word play and visual imagery, the latest gift to young readers (and adults looking over their shoulders) from James Foley.’ Writing WA

James Foley has filled the pages of this book with humour, action, surprises and comical chicken puns all [of] which actively keep the reader engrossed in the story.’ Australian Library and Information Association

‘Full of humour and witty puns on anything poultry, eggy or chickeny, kids will love the strength shown by Sally in leading her group to some sort of feathery end.’ Magpies

‘Foley’s imagination is on trademark overload with twists and turns on every page to engage even the most relucant reader.’ Cockburn Gazette 


ALIA Graphic Novel Notable List (2020)
Comics Arts Awards of Australia (Shortlist 2021)

Pages: 200
Publication Year: 2025
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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James Foley

James Foley makes picture books, middle grade novels and comics for kids. He’s the author/illustrator of the S.Tinker Inc graphic novel series for middle primary: Brobot (2016), Dungzilla (2017), Gastronauts (2018) and Chickensaurus (2020). The series stars Sally Tinker, the world’s foremost inventor under the age of twelve, and Joe Tinker, full-time baby. James also […]

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