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ISBN: 9781760996123
Dimensions: 19.8x13cm
Pages: 288
Publication year: 2025
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Written by Hetty Verolme (d.2024)

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An extraordinary story of the struggle and survival of a group of children in a Nazi concentration camp during World War II, this autobiographical tale details the motherly role adopted by the adolescent author during her time in the camp.

This moving memoir reveals how Hetty and her siblings survived after they were taken from their parents and encamped at the Children’s House in Belsen, Germany.


Hetty: A True Story is an unflinching and chilling account, suitable for secondary students studying the Holocaust or WWII.’ Australian Bookseller+Publisher

‘Hetty’s autobiography is well-written, and is particularly effective as its point of view is that of a very young girl, wise beyond her years, strong and courageous. Original photographs illustrate and enrich Hetty’s story.’ Jewish Book World

‘As an author, Hetty does not sensationalise or over sentimentalise events. She recounts events in a manner that allows the reader to see the difficult choices made day by day in order to survive.’ Western Teacher

‘After reading this book it has made me appreciate how life is much easier today than it was almost 70 years ago. I would recommend it for any student in high school and particularly those interested in history.’ Cairns Post

‘Verolme writes of such remarkable characters as the inmate doctor who fronted the camp commandant, the Polish kapo who gave out food from the kitchen, and the British officers who inspected the camp after liberation.’ Adelaide Advertiser

‘This highly readable book deserves to be in every school and public library and would make a worthwhile gift for children.’ History West

‘Hetty, following her example, became the “Little Mother” of the Children’s House. Inspiring.’ The Age

Pages: 288
Publication Year: 2025
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Hetty Verolme (d.2024)

Hetty Esther Verolme was born in Belgium in 1930. In 1931 her family moved to Amsterdam in the Netherlands. In 1943 she and her family were sent to the Nazi concentration camps. After surviving the war and working for a time in the fashion industry, she emigrated to Australia in 1954. She worked in many […]