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ISBN: 9781760994013
Dimensions: 21.0x24.0cm
Pages: 232
Publication year: 2024
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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How to Do It in the Garden

Written by Sabrina Hahn


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Channelling over three decades of knowledge as a horticultural and garden design expert, Sabrina Hahn knows how to get Australians ‘doing it’ in the garden when it comes to creating and maintaining your green space.

From getting down and dirty preparing your soil to doing it organically with edibles (like nuts, herbs, fruit and veg) to learning how to corral the suckers and chewers in your life (bugs and other pests – what did you think we meant?), you’ll discover just how seductive nature can be.

Focusing on sustainability, biodiversity and managing the effects of climate change, Sabrina’s endless inspiration and practical problem solving will entice you to get things growin’.


‘There are many step-by-step and how-to instructions, covering everything from preparing soil to growing organic edibles, ornamentals and native plants, homemade recipes for tackling pests and disease, and more. It’s fun and humorous with cheeky references; for example, she writes “no one wants shrivelled nuts” when emphasising the importance of watering walnut trees.’ The Senior

‘Sabrina’s gardening knowledge combined with her wicked sense of humour and passion for the environment guarantees an amusing and practical answer to almost any question …’ Josh Byrne, Gardening Australia

‘… accessible and undaunting for even the most novice gardener.’ Sanctuary

Pages: 232
Publication Year: 2024
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Sabrina Hahn

Sabrina comes from a long line of obsessive gardeners. She started landscaping at the age of four: stripping flowers and foliage from her grandmother’s garden and creating fabulous miniature gardens in all her nan’s baking trays. At the age of 22 she found cake tins too limiting and studied horticulture more formally at Bentley TAFE. […]

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