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ISBN: 9781921888588
Dimensions: 20.3x13.3cm
Pages: 120
Publication year: 2013
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Internal Monologues

Written by Danijela Kambaskovic

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**Available exclusively from Fremantle Press website**

In this book of poems, arranged in four cycles, the speakers are archetypal lovers who tell of great love gone wrong: Minerva addresses Jupiter; Iseult speaks to Tristan; Cupid longs for Psyche. Elsewhere Hamlet speaks to Ophelia; Venus to Mars; Mary to Joseph; Rapunzel to her prince; and the Child to Santa.

At the heart of these poems is wooing, suffering and living. Their narrative of love – and love lost – is one that can be traced through literature and through human experience across the ages.


‘… the narrative sequence in this slender volume packs a huge emotional punch.’ The West Australian

‘Her poetry is mirrored, mosaic: there is something ungraspable about these bold, brave poems.’ Weekend Australian

Pages: 120
Publication Year: 2013
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Danijela Kambaskovic

Danijela Kambaskovic has worked as Assistant Professor, Shakespeare and Renaissance Studies at the University of Western Australia in Perth. From 2008 to 2010, she coordinated on-line courses on Shakespeare and Medieval studies for Macquarie University and Open Universities Australia. She aims to infect as many people as possible with the No-Future-Without-the-Past virus, and considers history […]