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ISBN: 9781760990725
Dimensions: 19.8x13cm
Pages: 208
Publication year: 2021
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Mel and Shell

Written by Julia Lawrinson

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It’s 1979. Swedish pop group ABBA rules the airwaves, roller skating is cool, and Mel and Shell are best friends. There’s nothing they like more than making up dances to ABBA songs, and there’s nothing they like less than Scary Sharon and Stinky Simon. But things are changing, fast. Confiding in her pen pal from 1829, Shell discovers she has a lot to learn about loyalty, honesty and roller skating.


‘This book is ideal for showing children a time when Australian history was told from a single perspective.’ Buzz Words Magazine

‘… this is quite a clever book. Julia Lawrinson understands the patter and concerns of tweenage girls.’ ReadPlus

‘Award-winning author Julia Lawrinson has penned a tale of serious middle-grade issues in a light-hearted approach that ensures an engaging and enjoyable reading experience for the audience.’ Magpies

‘Mel and Shell is a great read for tweens, and appropriate for class discussions.’ Writing WA

‘… Mel and Shell is an enjoyable tale about the complexities of friendship.’ Reading Time

‘I recommend this book for kids aged 10 and up and for anyone who needs a good book to laugh. I give this book 5 stars for the creativity and the good plot.’ Kate, age 11, Alphabet Soup

Pages: 208
Publication Year: 2021
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Julia Lawrinson

Julia Lawrinson is an award-winning writer of books for children and young adults. She hails from Perth and, despite leaving school at 15, has a PhD in writing and a Bachelor of Laws with distinction. Julia has worked in a range of organisations, from the arts to parliament to health. She has presented at schools, […]