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ISBN: 9780645129007
Dimensions: 21.5x21.5cm
Pages: 104
Publication year: 2021
Publisher: Ngangk Yira Research Centre for Aboriginal Health and Social Equity
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Ngangk Waangening

Edited by Doreen NelsonRhonda MarriotTracy Reibel

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This is a unique book of Noongar and Yamatji mothers’ accounts of their birthing experiences. These Elder and Senior women have generously shared their stories as a legacy for their families and communities, and as an educational tool for midwives.

Pages: 104
Publication Year: 2021
Publisher: Ngangk Yira Research Centre for Aboriginal Health and Social Equity
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Doreen Nelson

Aunty Doreen Nelson is a Noongar woman, born on Balladong Country in the Wheatbelt area of Western Australia. Her family are the Jettas, the Yarrans and the Michaels, and she has lived for most of her life in the country but moved down to Perth in the last thirty years.

Rhonda Marriot

Rhonda Marriott was born in Derby, WA and is a descendant of Kimberley Nyikina Aboriginal people and has devoted her adult life to nursing and midwifery in both clinical and academic roles. Much of Ngangk Yira’s ethos is based on her experience over five decades, and almost three decades as an academic. In 2003, she […]

Tracy Reibel

Tracy Reibel is a passionate advocate for the routine provision of woman-centred care in maternity health systems, with over 25 years experience conducting research into maternal and infant health. In her role at Ngangk Yira, Tracy collaborates with a national network of colleagues, undertaking programs of work aimed at strengthening maternity care systems so these […]