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ISBN: 9781925815047
Dimensions: B+ Format: 20.5x13.8cm
Pages: 96
Publication year: 2020
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Of Memory and Furniture

Written by Bron Bateman


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Of Memory and Furniture is described by Julienne van Loon as ‘a deeply feminist project’, and by David Brooks as ‘bold, explicit and unapologetic’. This collection in four parts explores experiences of female embodiment, sexuality, and relationships with family, lovers and institutions. It is concerned with expressions of female sexuality in its myriad forms – heterosexual, lesbian, and experiences of non-normative sexuality – as well as issues of maternal subjectivity, mental health and abuse and, throughout, the role of memory in enabling healing. The poems are at once erotic and deeply thought through, intelligent and tender.


‘ … this is one of the best titles that I have seen for a while: it resonates right through to the end.’ poetandgeek

‘Erotic feminist sensitive and skilled Bateman is a poet who wants and deserves to be widely read.’ Saturday Age

‘There’s a brutality and hard edge to many of the poems while others are tender and poignant.’ Fremantle Herald

Of Memory And Furniture pushes boundaries and tackles taboos Westerly



Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards (Highly Commended 2021)

Pages: 96
Publication Year: 2020
Publisher: Fremantle Press
ISBN: 9781925815047
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Bron Bateman

Bron Bateman is a poet, editor, playwright, and educator from Boorloo (Perth). Her first poetry collection, People from bones was published by Ragged Raven Press (UK) in 2002. Her PhD, a collection of poetry and an exegesis exploring female embodiment and experiences of motherhood was completed in 2012. Her second collection, Of Memory and Furniture, […]