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ISBN: 9781760991319
Dimensions: B+ Format: 20.5x13.8cm
Pages: 96
Publication year: 2022
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Paradise (point of transmission)

Written by Andrew Sutherland

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This brilliant debut collection examines a ‘haunted’ Queer and HIV-positive identity. It follows an HIV diagnosis and a departure from Singapore as the poet moves from being secretive about his HIV status, towards living a more public life, in which living openly with HIV is characterised by the queer longing toward both resilience and transformation.


‘This remarkable first book marks Sutherland’s appearance on the poetic horizon with a fire and energy that will linger long after the first reading.’ Tracy Ryan

‘Sutherland embraces rather than smooths over the messiness of his HIV diagnosis, while also finding rare moments of beauty in liminality. This poetry is visceral and erotic, moving seamlessly between free verse and prose poetry to defy the limitations of form.’ Writing WA

‘Andrew Sutherland’s poems are brilliant and confronting.’ Rashida Murphy

‘In this complicated relationship with place and a focus on memory and spectres, Paradise (Point of Transmission) uses its hauntings of mythology, pop culture and history to initiate and command an intimate relationship between the poet and the reader.’ Henry Farnan

‘… deeply passionate and intellectually complex: they come from a place of real pain and systemic/pandemic oppression… This book has all the angst and power of a first collection, and all the polish and sophistication of a mature writer.’ Ng Yi-Sheng, Singapore Unbound

‘Paradise is lost, but there’s also the realisation that paradise was always wish-fulfilment, and that it can exist anywhere there is community, sharing, love, desire and even art (in its myriad iterations). In the end, terminologies are shifted, even turned around. In the end, this is a sex positive and deeply life-affirming book.’ Sydney Review of Books

‘Replete with unvarnished and sincere sentimentalities, I was riveted by the graceful and tender writing style and imaginativeness throughout.’ @bianca_mal_

Pages: 96
Publication Year: 2022
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Andrew Sutherland

Andrew Sutherland (he/they) is a Queer Poz (PLHIV) writer and performance-maker from between Boorloo (Perth) and Singapore, currently based in Naarm on the unceded lands of the Kulin nation. His work draws upon the viral instabilities of identity, pop culture and the autofictive self. Andrew’s debut poetry collection Paradise (point of transmission) was published by […]