The extraordinary photographs of Frances Andrijich have featured in magazines around the world, but her heart lies in Western Australia. Shooting intuitively and incisively, Andrijich captures Perth and its people like no one else. Brimming with energy, this volume features the latest in Perth’s arts and culture alongside the best of its beaches, natural beauty and relaxed lifestyle, at a time when Perth is creating its own flavour.
‘Perth may not be our largest city but like the rest of the country it is full of life … Andrijich paints a vibrant picture.’ Weekend Australian
‘Frances Andrijich has captured her home town in its myriad guises with the honesty and vibrancy we’ve come to expect from the award-winning photographer.’ The Weekend West
‘The book is an ideal gift as a memento of our city, but just like a refreshing swim at Cottesloe beach, Perth’s presence on your own coffee table will have you regularly dipping into it to remind yourself of why you love living in Perth.’ Subiaco Post
‘… the vibrancy of our city today shines through Frances’ beautiful images. Through her lens, Perth can be viewed as a city of excitement and wonder.’ We Love Perth blog
‘Award-winning photographer Frances Andrijich’s stunning new book, Perth, shows off our city as never before.’ Scoop
‘Photographer Frances Andrijich is hoping to open people’s eyes to the splendour of Fremantle, the city, the hills, Rottnest Island and many more in her new photography book, aptly titled Perth.’ Hills Gazette