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ISBN: 9781925816730
Dimensions: C Format: 23x15.2cm
Pages: 248
Publication year: 2021
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Private Prosecution

Written by Lisa Ellery

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Andrew Deacon is young, fit and single, a junior prosecutor at the WA DPP with a bright future and a sense of entitlement to match. That future starts to look darker when he spends the night with an attractive stranger, Lily Constantine, and she is found murdered in her apartment the following day. Andrew believes he knows who killed Lily but there is not a shred of evidence to prove it.

This is a pacy, darkly comic whodunnit with a twist – Andrew knows who did it but the clock is ticking and he has to prove it before he gets himself taken out.


‘A superb debut written with personality and pace, from an arresting new voice in Australian crime.’ Craig Sisterson

‘Lawyer-turned-writer Lisa Ellery uses her knowledge and experience in the legal sector to round out detailed judicial proceedings in her debut thriller, building a believable foundation for the tense drama that unfolds.’ Books+Publishing

‘Author Lisa Ellery uses her lived experience as a lawyer to weave a story through the eyes of her protagonist Andrew Deacon, taking the reader on an interesting journey into the world of law and order with a distinctly West Australian flavour.’ Writing WA

‘… a fun if far-fetched debut thriller.’ Pile By the Bed

Pages: 248
Publication Year: 2021
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Lisa Ellery

Lisa Ellery was born in 1975 and raised on a farm near Esperance on Western Australia’s south coast. She studied law and arts at the University of Western Australia before returning to regional WA in 1998 to commence her career as a lawyer in the goldmining city of Kalgoorlie-Boulder. She soon fell in love with […]