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ISBN: 9781760991401
Dimensions: B Format: 19.8x12.8cm
Pages: 336
Publication year: 2008
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Written by Craig Silvey


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Eleanor Rigby is going nowhere slowly. Accompanied by her loyal guide dog, Warren, she wanders through the familiar streets of Fremantle, searching for something she can’t define. Guarded and stubbornly independent, Eleanor finds herself unravelled when she hears the plaintive sound of an instrument on the breeze. She follows it to its source: Ewan Dempsey, a reclusive and compulsive maker and player of cellos.

Brimming with rich and inventive prose, unforgettable characters and glimmers of magical realism, Rhubarb is a moving, tender sort-of-love story about two people whose worlds are bound by limitations real and imagined.


‘… the novel has the charm of early work such as Gustave Flaubert’s Novembre and Jack Kerouac’s The Subterraneans.’ The Weekend Australian

’… both sad and hilarious … a daring and moving work.’ The West Australian

‘Written with wry humour and great depth of perception, this moving and often hilarious novel is a must-read.’ Melbourne Weekly



Sydney Morning Herald Best Young Australian Novelist (Winner 2005)

Pages: 336
Publication Year: 2008
Publisher: Fremantle Press
ISBN: 9781921361494
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Craig Silvey

Craig Silvey grew up on an orchard in the south of Western Australia. His work has been published internationally and the film rights to his novel Jasper Jones were sold to Australian director Rebecca O’Brien in 2012.