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ISBN: 9781925164619
Dimensions: B Format: 19.8x12.8cm
Pages: 112
Publication year: 2017
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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To the Lighthouse

Written by Cristy Burne


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Isaac arrives on Rottnest Island hoping for an awesome holiday adventure, but his mum would rather he stayed inside, where it’s safe. Then Isaac meets Emmy. She’s allowed to do whatever she wants – and she wants to have fun!

With Emmy daring him on, Isaac’s life gets more and more exciting. But when things go horribly wrong on their secret midnight adventure, they both wonder whether this time they’ve gone too far …


‘Burne channels the restless energy of a pre-teen chafing at parental restrictions, and the thrill of pushing against the rules, even in small ways. She captures the essence of holidays, with hot chips at the beach and long bike rides. [Four stars]’ Books+Publishing

‘The illustrations were so cool because they were detailed. I liked that the author used sounds to describe the setting and the feel, not just saying what it was and used very descriptive words.’ Bailey, age 10, YARR-A

‘This is a terrific little junior novel: well-written, with just the right balance of naughtiness and retribution.’ Readings Monthly

‘Burne’s writing is lively and energetic and she has a gift for bringing characters and setting vividly to life on the page.’ Buzz Words

‘Cristy Burne has an easy-to-read writing style and students will enjoy her touches of humour interspersed throughout the novel … Highly recommended.’ Magpies

‘It is a wonderful read for both boys and girls … It is about adventure, fun, and making friends, whilst also being a very real lesson in trust and telling the truth.’ Lamont Books


West Australian Young Readers Book Award (Shortlisted 2019)

Pages: 112
Publication Year: 2017
Publisher: Fremantle Press
ISBN: 9781925164619
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Cristy Burne

Cristy Burne grew up climbing trees, jumping drains, chasing cows and inventing stories. She has a passion for learning through doing, and loves to inspire creativity, daring and resilience in her readers. Cristy is a children’s author and science writer with degrees in Biotechnology and Science Communication. She has also worked as a science circus […]