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ISBN: 9781760991982
Dimensions: 23x14.5cm
Pages: 208
Publication year: 2022
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Try Not to Think of a Pink Elephant

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Try Not to Think of a Pink Elephant is a collection of real-life stories about living with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Contributors are Martin Ingle on OCD and sexual intimacy; Dani Leever on contamination-based OCD; Patrick Marlborough on living with OCD in NYC; Katharine Pollock on over-achievement and control of food and body; and Sienna Rose Scully on the untimely death of her mother, an event that actualised her most persistent OCD obsession.


‘This is not an easy book to read, and nor should it be for the reader who is an outsider. But for those who are struggling to know what to do with similar experiences, these authors offer compassion and grit. Their stories will stay with you.’ Books+Publishing

‘Five magnificent, unique and affirming stories about what it is like to live — and live well — with OCD.’ Kimberley Quinlan

‘Whether you pick it up hoping to be enlightened, educated or … ghoulishly amused, chances are you will be wholly absorbed and entertained, such is the raw wry witty vibrancy of the five contributors’ writing.’ Writing WA

Pages: 208
Publication Year: 2022
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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