Under Corporate Skies: A Struggle between People, Place and Profit
Written by
Dyann RossMartin Brueckner
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Under Corporate Skies is about what happens to communities when they stand in the way of corporate profits. It is the story of a tiny town pitted against a strong corporate neighbour.
With the help of international campaigner Erin Brockovich, the small town of Yarloop in Western Australia is preparing a civil class action against Alcoa World Alumina. The struggle is over social, health and environmental concerns surrounding Alcoa’s Wagerup alumina refinery.
This story will resonate with national and international communities facing similar clashes amidst ongoing industrialisation. As we live under expanding corporatised skies, this book shows that profits matter, but not more than people and place.
Foreword by Erin Brockovich

Dyann Ross
Dyann Ross works for the Queensland Department of Health as a Mental Health Clinical Educator. She teaches at the University of the Sunshine Coast and holds an adjunct position with Edith Cowan University as part of her research and writing activities. Dyann’s research interests cover the personal mental health of community members and the adverse […]