Alan Carter

Alan Carter was born in Sunderland, UK. He immigrated to Australia in 1991 and now lives in splendid semi-rural semi-isolation south of Hobart, Tasmania. In his spare time he follows the black line up and down the local swimming pool, or drags on his wetsuit and braves the icy waters of the D’Entrecasteaux Channel, where his latest book, Prize Catch, is set. He is the author of the Fremantle-set DS Cato Kwong series Prime Cut (winner of the Ned Kelly Award for Best First Fiction), Getting WarmerBad SeedHeaven Sent and Crocodile Tears; and the New Zealand-set Marlborough Man and Doom Creek, featuring Sergeant Nick Chester, which won the Ngaio Marsh Award for Best Crime Novel.

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Doom Creek
Marlborough Man

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