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Custom Publishing Contact

Fremantle Press has many years experience in the production of non-fiction and large-format illustrated books. We have a team of experts in book production to deliver publishing projects on time and within budget.

Before making contact, we recommend you read our FAQ page and guidelines for organisations.

To request a custom publishing quote complete the form below or, for more information, contact Alex Allan, CEO of Fremantle Press, at or on +61 (0)8 9430 6331.

Request a custom publishing quote
Please provide as many details as you can, then click submit.


NB: Please provide an idea at this stage, even if it will change.
Please note that our custom publishing services are for projects with a minimum print run of 250 copies.



Please note that production usually takes around 6–9 months after receipt of final approved text and images from the client, depending on the specifications.