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ISBN: 9781760992774
Dimensions: B+ Format: 20.5x13.8cm
Pages: 312
Publication year: 2024
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Bad to Worse

Written by Robert Edeson

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In Dante, Arizona, in 1877, two outlaws from the Mortiss family demand a loaf of bread from Tom Worse, the town baker. What they get instead is a bullet to the head.

A century later, intelligence analyst Richard Worse is presented with two seemingly unrelated mysteries: a baffling plane crash near Dante, and a strange discovery in a cave across the ocean. As Worse investigates the desert crash, the Mortiss vendetta against his family reignites – and activity deep in the cave presents its own chilling danger.

Can Worse survive long enough to solve the case and eliminate the threat to his family line?


‘Edeson’s writing has a rhythm all its own that is unlike other mystery stories and thrillers, and has to do with the ease and confidence with which he can take the reader from the familiar directly into a little bit of Worseworld. And it is with great glee that we often hear ourselves saying, ‘Surely he made that bit up, didn’t he? Didn’t he?’ … It all makes for a joyful ride, lots of smiles – and frequent checking of dictionaries and other references.’ Australian Book Review

‘… intelligently crafted … Bad To Worse provides readers with an intellectual workout, and deserves to be savoured.’ West Australian

‘… a book for intelligent, urbane readers with a sense of humour.’ Good Reading Magazine

‘The array of scientific discussions and references are beautifully accompanied by a healthy dose of poetry and philosophy. As the characters pursue their various goals, questions of truth and humanity abound … there is plenty of humour to light the way, sometimes sarcastic and sometimes dark, but always intelligent.’ Underground Writers

‘… uniquely clever prose with a touch of intrigue and adventure.’ Maureen Eppen

Pages: 312
Publication Year: 2024
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Robert Edeson

Robert Edeson was born in Perth, Western Australia, and educated at Christ Church Grammar School, the University of Western Australia and the University of Cambridge. He has been a consultant anaesthetist and researcher, publishing in the neuroscience, biophysical and mathematical literatures.

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