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ISBN: 9781760993122
Dimensions: B+ Format: 20.5x13.8cm
Pages: 192
Publication year: 2024
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Gastronauts: now in colour

Written by James Foley

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Return to James Foley’s hilarious series about Sally Tinker, the world’s foremost inventor under the age of twelve – now in full colour!

Sally Tinker is facing an extraordinary new adventure. The brain-enhancing nanobots she is testing have been accidentally swallowed by her baby brother, Joe.

The only way to stop Joe from turning into a superbaby and wreaking super havoc is to shrink herself and travel inside Joe’s body on a journey to tackle the problem head-on. What could possibly go wrong? As it turns out, this is only the beginning …

This is the third book in the S.Tinker Inc. series of graphic novels.


‘This graphic novel is hilariously funny. Short in length, it will be devoured by newly independent and emerging readers … Perfect for school and public libraries.’ Magpies

‘James Foley’s unique characters, crazy situations and unusual adventures engage the young reader. His cartoons capture the grossness of the girl’s journey and of course their special re-entry into the real world.’ ReadPlus

‘Primary-aged readers will love this third instalment in Foley’s hilarious S. Tinker Inc. series of graphic novels … Adventure, young scientists, endless fart jokes, tiny attack bots, and a comic book format – this book has it all!’ Writing WA

‘Farting babies and graphic novels are surefire ways into a primary reader’s heart. While there are plenty of humorous and silly bits in Gastronauts, there are also lessons in technology and biology to be gleaned.’ Mums at the Table

Gastronauts is one of the best books I have ever read … One of the best things about this book is definitely the illustrations because they are detailed and realistic.’ Benjamin Rask, age 12, Herald Sun

‘Through witty dialogue and amusing scenarios, James Foley effortlessly teaches readers about the digestive system in a way that’s both entertaining and informative.’ Better Readings Kids

Pages: 192
Publication Year: 2024
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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James Foley

James Foley makes picture books, middle grade novels and comics for kids. He’s the author/illustrator of the S.Tinker Inc graphic novel series for middle primary: Brobot (2016), Dungzilla (2017), Gastronauts (2018) and Chickensaurus (2020). The series stars Sally Tinker, the world’s foremost inventor under the age of twelve, and Joe Tinker, full-time baby. James also […]

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