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ISBN: 9781925162714
Dimensions: A Format: 18x11cm
Pages: 236
Publication year: 2016
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Sabrina’s Dirty Deeds

Written by Sabrina Hahn


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Gardening goddess Sabrina Hahn has never been afraid of getting dirty, and nor should you! Packed full of useful information from January right through to December, Sabrina’s Dirty Deeds is a hands-on guide for what to do in your garden and when to do it. With great tips for chores in your climate zone, this little book will help keep your garden thriving all year round.


‘Sabrina Hahn has been WA’s go-to dispenser of green-thumb advice for more than 20 years. In Sabrina’s Dirty Deeds, she shows you what to do in your garden and when to do it.’ Good Reading

‘With dirty deeds at your side, chance are high that your garden will not only survive our brutal hot summer but thrive in the winter too.’ PRIMOlife

‘Pick your month, pick your climate zone, and look at what you should be doing, whether it’s sowing, pruning, fertilising or managing pests. Articles on everything from rose pruning to growing peanuts are scattered throughout, in a neat little package.’ Organic Gardener

‘… accessible and undaunting for even the most novice gardener.’ Sanctuary

Pages: 236
Publication Year: 2016
Publisher: Fremantle Press
ISBN: 9781925162714
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Sabrina Hahn

Sabrina comes from a long line of obsessive gardeners. She started landscaping at the age of four: stripping flowers and foliage from her grandmother’s garden and creating fabulous miniature gardens in all her nan’s baking trays. At the age of 22 she found cake tins too limiting and studied horticulture more formally at Bentley TAFE. […]