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ISBN: 9781760990640
Dimensions: 23.4x15.3cm
Pages: 208
Publication year: 2021
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Skimming Stones

Written by Maria Papas

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Grace first met her lover, Nate, as a teenager, their bond forged in the corridors and waiting rooms where siblings of cancer patients sit on the sidelines. Now an adult, for Grace, nursing is a comforting world of science and certainty. But the paediatric ward is also a place of miracles and heartbreak and, when faced with a dramatic emergency, Grace is confronted with memories of her sister’s illness. Heading south to Lake Clifton and the haunts of her childhood, Grace discovers that a stone cast across a lake sends out ripples long after the stone has gone.


‘breathtaking, tender and affirming’ Brenda Walker

‘Haunting and poetic in places, this novel deftly illuminates the looping effect of childhood illness and trauma on future lives.’ Books+Publishing

‘… a thoughtful, wise and wholly engaging story.’ ANZ LitLovers

‘This book is so much more than mere paper and words.’ Fremantle Shipping News

‘Elegantly crafted and deeply absorbing …’ West Australian

‘… a stunning novel …’ Beauty and Lace

‘Quietly stunning.’ Gillian O’Shaughnessy​

‘For readers who enjoy slice-of-life contemporary fiction and are in the mood for some more serious themes, I would highly, highly recommend it!’ Underground Writers

‘… a triumph.’ The Age


City of Fremantle Hungerford Award (Winner 2020)

Pages: 208
Publication Year: 2021
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Maria Papas

Maria Papas is a West Australian writer whose fiction, creative non-fiction and academic essays have appeared in various journals including TEXT, Griffith Review, Axon and The Letters Page. She holds a PhD from the University of Western Australia where she researched the ways people share narratives of illness and trauma. In 2020, the creative component […]