Red Read doesn’t set out to find trouble, but trouble sure has a way of finding him. Expelled from school, he is whisked off by Captain Black Bowen, one of the most infamous smugglers ever to ply the coast of northern Australia in the nineteenth century. Together they battle demon storms, crazed pirates and killer diseases while hunting down a great lost treasure. Non-stop action, adventure and excitement!
‘The Wreckers’ Revenge is a thrilling read for fans of pirates, Australian history and daring adventures.’ ReadPlus
‘The author’s mastery of location, character, sea lore and general lifestyles of the period are absolutely spot on. Set in the late 1890’s at the tail end of our pioneer era, the vast wildness of the Indian Ocean, provides a perfect backdrop for these thrilling adventures. Recommended.’ Magpies
‘Norman Jorgensen has masterfully woven an abundance of surprises along the way adding the them of growing relationships and a captain who loves quoting Shakespeare into the mix making this fast-paced story a must read.’ Buzz Words Books
‘Every sentence had a drip of anticipation and I really did find it quite hard to put the book down.’ Hannah, age 12, Alphabet Soup
‘… Jorgensen weaves his story around the places and colourful history of life in north-west Australia and the surrounding seas. Many young readers will enjoy these adventures and learn something of their country’s past in the process.’ Good Reading
‘The story brims with historical detail and sailing lore without being too heavy-handed … This is a pacey read that will be enjoyed by kids aged 10+ who love adventure, treasure hunting and horrible histories!’ CBCA Reading Time