Old St Kilda council inspires debut novel

Ray Glickman will return to his previous stomping ground to launch his debut novel Reality at Readings St Kilda on Thursday 3 July. The former Executive Manager for the City of St Kilda said the council loomed large in his portrayal of the central character’s working life.
‘My experiences at the St Kilda council were very formative in my life and my career. I came to love Australia’s inner city heritage areas, where the community is involved in everything,’ said Glickman.
Reality pokes fun at Reality TV, excessive bureaucracy and political correctness. Glickman said St Kilda had played a significant part in his life and he was looking forward to returning to Melbourne for the launch.
‘The book launch will have a reunion feel to it, with the active participation of two former Mayors of St Kilda and a gathering of the St Kilda clan to celebrate the novel,’ said Glickman.
Glickman believes that Melbourne people will relate very readily to the book and its core themes of fate, self-determination and personal responsibility.
‘The book has a strong sense of place, one that applies just as much to St Kilda and Melbourne’s inner suburbs as to Fremantle where I now live,’ said Glickman.
The book launch will take place at 6pm on Thursday 3 July at Readings St Kilda, 112 Acland Street. RSVP: by 30 June to admin@fremantlepress.com.au or 08 9430 6331.