The Classroom Express has a new home!
Fremantle Press has launched a new website that includes a section dedicated to educators. It is designed to be a practical one-stop-shop for busy teachers and children’s librarians looking for quality Australian titles and teaching resources. You can now use the education page to find the latest news and resources, book authors online and subscribe to the education enewsletter. Marketing and Communications Manager Claire Miller gives you an overview of each new page for you to explore.
All the existing articles from The Classroom Express are available here. You can also download catalogues or search for news and teaching resources based on school years and topics. This is where you go if you want to order class sets of our freebies. Author events, such as launches and workshops, are announced regularly and teachers and students are welcome to attend.
A selection of our latest books is displayed as well as a list of teaching notes from 2012 onwards. However, if you have a specific book for which you need teaching notes, use the search engine to find that book – if teaching notes are available, they’ll appear below the cover image along with sample pages, podcasts, book trailers and other materials. Try The Last Viking Returns as a sample.
Two easy ways to book a Fremantle Press author to visit your school: either book online or download the form.
Engage with authors
The new website makes it easier for you to engage with authors. Just use the search engine to find an author. From the author page you can visit their social media platforms or website, discover which titles they have written and book them for school visits. For example, take a look at the author page for Kyle Hughes-Odgers.
You can now access ebooks directly from each print book’s page. Use the search engine to find the book – if an ebook is available, it will give you the option to buy the ebook from a dropdown list of major distributors. For example, take a look at the book page for The Lighthouse Girl. There’s also a genre called children’s ebooks where you can browse through the latest ebook titles from picture books to young adult titles.
We know you love our class sets of free stickers, bookmarks and posters. To make your selection easy, we’ve started a new area called free stuff.
Your discount!
To thank you for your ongoing support, we’ve arranged for you to have a 10% discount on our first-half 2015 books. To get a 10% discount on Dropping In by Geoff Havel, Harold and Grace by Sean E Avery and Carousel by Brendan Ritchie just enter the code OZREADS at the checkout.
We hope you enjoy exploring the new website! If you have any queries, I’d love to hear from you by email at
Best wishes, Claire