New free bookmarks, posters and teaching activities

Why not extend the fun of book week by ordering your class a free set of bookmarks, posters and activities?
Take a look below at the freebies and activities available for our latest books. Just let us know how many you’d like by sending your name, school, address and choices to
While stocks last.
Bookmarks are available or coming soon for: Bella and the Wandering House by Meg McKinlay, Lily in the Mirror by Paula Hayes, The Smuggler’s Curse by Norman Jorgensen, Brobot by James Foley, Pandamonia by Chris Owen and Chris Nixon, Riddle Gully Secrets by Jen Banyard, Sister Heart by Sally Morgan, Saving Jazz by Kate McCaffrey and Beyond Carousel by Brendan Ritchie.
Two large double-sided posters, one featuring a behind-the-scenes look at the making of Riddle Gully Secrets and Brobot and another featuring books by Indigenous authors.
Teaching activities
Travel back to 1947 with this activity for Lily in the Mirror by Paula Hayes.
Follow the smugglers as they ply the waters between Australia and South East Asia in this activity for The Smuggler’s Curse by Norman Jorgensen.
Know Your Bushranger activity for Riddle Gully Secrets by Jen Banyard.
A bird identification activity from Eagle, Crow and Emu by Gladys and Jill Milroy.
Make Your Own Mobile kit from the book We All Sleep by Ezekiel Kwaymullina and Sally Morgan.