Freebie frenzy! New activity sheets and bookmarks from Fremantle Press

This term’s freebies are a colourful bunch, with bookmarks, teaching notes and activity sheets available for our new August title for middle readers, Off the Track by Cristy Burne and our upcoming YA anthology Meet Me at the Intersection edited by Rebecca Lim and Ambelin Kwaymullina.
To order your free merchandise and classroom activities for our latest books, send an email to and let us know your name, school, postal address and selections. You can also contact us with any queries by phone on 08 9430 6331.
While stocks last.
Harry and Deepika are on a big bush adventure in Cristy Burne’s Off the Track, but Harry doesn’t know what he’ll do without his technology. Will they even be able to find their way without a phone? Or parents …? Bookmarks can be ordered in packs of 20.
How can you signal someone without a phone? Make a survival whistle out of paper in this fun activity. Order copies or download by clicking on the image.
Each bookmark features a quote from one of the contributors to Meet Me at the Intersection, offering a different perspective on diversity and writing. Mixed packs of 12. Samples are below.