Award-Winning Creativity: Two Fremantle Press books on the path to design glory

A Leaf Called Greaf, illustrated and designed by Kelly Canby, and I Am the Mau, designed by Rebecca Mills, have been shortlisted for the Best Published Book Cover Design Award in the Whitsundays Literary Heart Awards. Overall, just four submissions were selected for the shortlist and are in the running for the first prize of $1,500 and $500 for the runner-up.

Winners will be announced at the Whitsundays Writers Festival on Saturday 7 September 2024 at the Whitsunday Sailing Club in Airlie Beach.

The Whitsundays Festival launched the Literary Heart Awards earlier this year, offering cash prizes to recognise and honour outstanding contributions to the literary and design landscape.

In a media release about the awards, Festival President Karen Jacobsen said, ‘We believe in celebrating the richness of Australian creativity in all its forms. The Whitsundays Literary Heart Awards are a testament to our commitment to recognising and rewarding the extraordinary talents within our community.’

The judges assessed each cover on whether the title was clear, readable and effectively conveyed the genre; its visual appeal and appropriateness to the book’s mood; and how well the cover introduced the key elements or characters thereby building a connection with potential readers.

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