Spinning Around: The Kylie Playlist makes a glamorous debut at A Day in Carlton festival

   November 16, 2024
   Cinema Nova, Carlton
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Join editors and curators Angela Savage and Kirsten Krauth for a special launch of Spinning Around: The Kylie Playlist! This supersized event features fourteen of the anthology’s contributing authors, including Christos Tsiolkas, Lucy Treloar and Nicholas Gadd.

Taking place on Saturday 16 November at Cinema Nova, this vibrant celebration will be a part of the A Day in Carlton festival! In the anthology, linguistic legends express their admiration for the Australian icon by crafting original pieces inspired by her songs. At the launch event, the editors and authors share their unique creations with you through live readings, sing-a-longs and conversations about Kylie’s inspiration.

Readings Carlton will be on hand to sell copies of Spinning Around: The Kylie Playlist.

Don’t miss the chance to hear from contributors Grace Chan, Thuy On, Christos Tsiolkas, Lucy Treloar, Nicholas Gadd, Nathan Curnow, and co-editors Kirsten Krauth and Angela Savage, as they discuss their inspirations and creative processes. Glitter is not mandatory, but it’s definitely encouraged!

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