Fremantle Press authors donate royalties to Books for Little Bookaburras program

Western Australian children’s book creators are living up to their well-earned reputation for generosity. A further eight contributors are donating their royalties to the Books for Little Bookaburras program so that young Western Australian children will have access to their own mini-library of local books. This will bring the total number of creators donating their royalties to 15.

Fremantle Press CEO Alex Allan said she was delighted to announce the seven titles featured in this year’s program. Allan said, ‘They include two classic First Nations picture books, a heartfelt story of love and family, books featuring gorgeously rendered Australian animals and new board books by program ambassador Renae Hayward.’

Allan said the selection of books was about putting together a pack that would be both entertaining and which would spark creativity and engagement. She said, ‘Crow and The Waterhole by Ambelin Kwaymullina has a valuable message of self-acceptance while In Your Dreams by Sally Morgan and Bronwyn Bancroft is about the importance of following your dreams. Shine by Danny Parker and Ruth de Vos is a love song that attempts to put into words the spark of connection we feel for those closest to us. Where do the Stars Go? and When I Can Fly by Katie Stewart are all about encouraging curiosity while Say Hello and Say Goodnight by Renae Hayward and Rebecca Mills are bright, bold and fun with high contrast illustrations and text that can be sung, acted out or simply read aloud.’

Playgroups, kindergartens and early-learning centres across WA help distribute the Books for Little Bookaburras book packs early in Term Two.

A $60 donation will cover the cost of one pack for one child. To donate or find out more about the program go to the Bookaburras page on the Fremantle Press website:

Books for Little Bookaburras is supported by the Stan Perron Charitable Foundation, Hartee+Associates Architects, the Barton Family Foundation, the Wright Burt Foundation, Hesperia, Louise Jones in memory of her sister Beverley – a lifelong passionate reader – and Paul Jones in memory of Allan and Wendy Jones, educators.

A pilot program was sponsored by the Department of Education, the Premier’s Reading Challenge and Kindilinks. Fremantle Press authors donating royalties to the Bookaburras program are Renae Hayward, Rebecca Mills, Helen Milroy, Chris Owen, Chris Nixon, Norman Jorgensen, James Foley, Ezekiel Kwaymullina, Ambelin Kwaymullina, Katie Stewart, Bronwyn Bancroft, Danny Parker, Ruth de Vos, Sally Morgan and Kyle Hughes-Odgers.

Books discussed
In Your Dreams new edition

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