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ISBN: 9781921361982
Dimensions: B Format: 19.8x12.8cm
Pages: 216
Publication year: 2015
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Beautiful Monster

Written by Kate McCaffrey


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It only takes a few blood-stained seconds for Tessa’s life to change forever. Her brother is gone and now she wants her old life back. She wants her mum and dad the way they were.

If it wasn’t for Ned, she’d be all alone. He’s her greatest support and her staunchest ally, privy to her deepest secrets. Ned is like her other half, and he has the answer. If Tessa can just be perfect, life will get better.


‘McCaffrey pulls no punches in laying open a world in which anorexia and bulimia are used as weapons in the battle for self-esteem.’ Magpies

‘…McCaffrey has a way of capturing the teenage voice and making her characters real. A must-read for teenage girls.’ The West Australian

‘An involving read to begin a discussion around important issues.’ Courier Mail

‘This is a topical and moving story of an all-too familiar problem.’ Reading Time

‘The poetic prose style is an excellent medium for expressing Tess’ self-awareness and heightened perceptions …’ Viewpoint

‘The novel is engaging spirited and addictive.’ Sun Herald

‘Australian teenagers will connect to this sad but ultimately realistic story.’ Australian Women Online

‘The story is fast moving hard-hitting and thought provoking.’ Good Reading

‘Simple and effective writing takes the reader straight into issues affecting the health of the teenage mind and the complexity of aiming for perfection.’ Scan


International Youth Library White Raven list (2011)

Pages: 216
Publication Year: 2015
Publisher: Fremantle Press
ISBN: 9781921361982
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Kate McCaffrey

Kate grew up in Perth’s northern suburbs. She has a degree in English and Art and a diploma in Education.