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ISBN: 9781760993337
Dimensions: B Format: 19.8x12.8cm
Pages: 312
Publication year: 2024
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Written by Brendan Ritchie

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Trapped in a giant shopping centre should be the dream. They have everything they need, except a way out.

Nox is an arts graduate wondering what to do with his life. Taylor and Lizzy are famous indie musicians, and Rocky works the checkouts at Target.

When they find themselves trapped in a giant shopping centre, they eat fast food, watch bad TV and wait for the mess to be sorted. But when days turn into weeks, a sense of menace grows.


‘…rereleased for the post-pandemic reader and poses some big questions about how we cope with social isolation, lockdown, change and adversity.’ Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA)

Carousel by Brendan Ritchie is an interesting and imaginative dystopian novel.’ Ic3


Inky Awards (Longlisted 2015)

Pages: 312
Publication Year: 2024
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Brendan Ritchie

Brendan Ritchie is a novelist and academic from the south coast of WA. He is the winner of the 2022 Dorothy Hewett Award for an unpublished manuscript and author of novels including Carousel (2015), Beyond Carousel (2016) and Eta Draconis (2023). Brendan has a PhD in Creative Writing and has also published poetry and non-fiction […]