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ISBN: 9781760993801
Dimensions: C Format: 23.0x15.2cm
Pages: 352
Publication year: 2025
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Written by Andrea Thompson


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The story of a woman who changes the world that wants to change her.

Geraldine is born with an adventurer’s heart. Whether it is sneaking out of home in Yorkshire, escaping from boarding school in Rhodesia, or buying hormones from the local speed dealer in Weston-super-Mare, Geraldine is wide open to all the world has to offer – even if the world doesn’t know what to make of Geraldine.

Arriving in Australia as an adolescent, Geraldine will use music as the key to unlock her soul. And as a woman, she will find a way to inspire others, and to be accepted for herself.


‘Positively wonderful! Geraldine opened my eyes, knotted my stomach, and warmed my heart.’ Vanessa Thornton, Jebediah

‘With a unique blend of sweet sorrow and hope, the novel raises awareness of life’s injustices, while leaving [the] reader feeling inspired rather than dispirited … this is a book for those yearning for a compelling protagonist who never backs down. Fans of Craig Silvey’s Honeybee will find themselves right at home with Geraldine.’ Books+Publishing

Pages: 352
Publication Year: 2025
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Andrea Thompson

Andrea Thompson is a music journalist, artist manager and promoter. Born in the north of England in the Swinging Sixties, Andrea has worked through a range of jobs including trades assistant in the north-west of Western Australia, factory worker, teacher and public servant, but her one constant is writing. Whenever the world makes her doubt herself, Andrea […]

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