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ISBN: 9781760992026
Dimensions: C Format: 23x15.2cm
Pages: 320
Publication year: 2023
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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I Am Already Dead

Written by David Whish-Wilson

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Trainee private investigator Lee Southern finds himself drawn into a web of danger and deceit as he investigates a series of bribery attempts targeting a wealthy entrepreneur. Under the expert tutelage of retiring PI Frank Swann, Lee uses all of his developing skills, instincts and cunning to get to the heart of a sordid mystery. As Lee delves deeper into the case and questions the intentions of those he’s working for, he finds himself the target of increasingly ominous threats and several attempts on his life.

David Whish-Wilson’s I Am Already Dead is a gripping and high-paced noir novel. This will keep fans of True West on the edge of their seat.


‘… Plot twists and obfuscation keep the reader guessing and lead to a fast-paced, enjoyable read.’ Good Reading

‘A terrific novel that really grips from the opening pages and holds attention till the end … Top-shelf crime fiction, with a tough and bloody conclusion.’ Murder, Mayhem and Long Dogs

‘David Whish-Wilson does not enjoy the attention that other crime writers receive, but his tough noir tales are among the best crime fiction being produced in Australia today.’ Canberra Weekly

‘Whish-Wilson’s prose is as sharp as a switchblade, carving out another stylish, noir page-turner in which what starts as a straightforward case of serial extortion quickly turns into something more complex – and very, very nasty.’ Will Yeoman, Writing WA

Pages: 320
Publication Year: 2023
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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David Whish-Wilson

David Whish-Wilson is the author of ten novels and three creative non-fiction books. He was born in Newcastle, NSW but raised in Singapore, Victoria and Western Australia. At eighteen, he left Australia to live for a decade in Europe, Africa and Asia, where he worked as a barman, actor, streetseller, petty criminal, labourer, exterminator, factory […]

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