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ISBN: 9781760992576
Dimensions: B Format: 19.8x12.8cm
Pages: 256
Publication year: 2023
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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I Am the Mau and other stories

Written by Chemutai Glasheen

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This enticing collection of contemporary fiction is a celebration of our ubuntu: the invisible ties that bind us all together.

From ancient forest guardians to modern cultural warriors, from grappling with age-old traditions to championing hair identity, these evocative stories explore the duality of Kenyan life and how to find a way between two cultures, both of which are yours.

Chemutai Glasheen’s unforgettable characters are drawn from her early life in Africa with all its richness, diversity and complexity.


‘ … will serve as inspiration to further explore the complex history and rich cultural traditions of this East African country. A diverse and captivating read!’ Claudia Soeffner, English Language Section, International Youth Library Foundation, The White Ravens 2024

‘Chemutai Glasheen delivers a powerful and vibrant collection of short stories in I Am the Mau & Other Stories. Inspired by her upbringing in Africa, each brilliant tale is infused with vivid imagery of the continent and its people … A great read for young adults to enjoy, learn from, and remember long after closing the final page.’ Books+Publishing

‘Schools can use books like I Am the Mau and other stories to encourage dialogue on racial issues as well as normalising difference.’ SchoolNews

‘This is a wonderful collection of stories that show the challenges that come with the need to change and adapt traditions into modern life. It is a collection of stories and challenges and all the things that keep us together as a family, as a community, and as a nation. I thoroughly enjoyed these short stories, and they are a great read for anyone 15 and up.’ Lamont Books

‘We couldn’t put the book down. We think “young adults” is too narrow a reading category for this book, unless “young adults” includes not only young adults but also their parents and grandparents and extended family, as well as all of their friends and acquaintances!’ Fremantle Shipping News

‘… I Am the Mau and other stories can be a great resource in addressing curriculum outcomes in both English and HASS, with readers able to learn about the diversity within Kenyan and African cultures.’ Shannon Meyerkort, SchoolNews Australia

‘I admire the succinct way of conveying a lot of thought and information in a snappy short form. Chemutai Glasheen is a lovely writer, and her words were a pleasure to read.’ Iwasaplatypus

‘From ancient forest guardians to modern cultural warriors, from grappling with age old traditions, to championing hair identity, these evocative stories explore the duality of Kenyan life and how to find a way between two cultures.’ Deborah Sutherland, Geraldton Guardian

‘The best thing about reading this anthology is how much I learnt about African culture. The glossary at the end of this novel is really helpful and informative. I also found I spent a lot of time googling various traditions and places where stories were set.’ Read Nz Te Pou Muramura

‘I’d highly recommend I am the Mau & other stories if you’re looking for a contemporary, enagaging, and myriad collection for Year 9-10 students.’ Karys McEwan, I read a lot (so you don’t have to)


The White Ravens List (2024)

Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) (Notable Book 2024)

Western Australian Premier’s Book Awards (Shortlisted 2024)

Western Australian Premier’s Prize for an Emerging Writer (Shortlisted 2023)

Pages: 256
Publication Year: 2023
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Chemutai Glasheen

Chemutai Glasheen lives in Western Australia. She is a teacher and a sessional academic at Curtin University. She writes fiction for young people and her work is influenced by her interest and experience in human rights and education. She has written a collection of short stories which are set in east Africa. Her work has […]