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ISBN: 9781760993498
Dimensions: C Format: 23x15.2cm
Pages: 240
Publication year: 2024
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Jasper Cliff

Written by Josh Kemp

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From the winner of the Ned Kelly Award for Best Debut Crime Fiction.

When Toby Bowman vanishes, his brother Lachlan retraces a road trip to the last place Toby phoned from – a remote northern town called Jasper Cliff. There, Lachlan finds himself marooned at the dying town’s pub, and soon learns that his brother is just one of many to have gone missing in recent years. Like Toby, his brother becomes obsessed with finding the Rift, a deep hole in a ravine somewhere in the hills. But what will Lachlan learn, and what will he see, if he stares into the Rift, too?


‘This is a complex mystery and Kemp has clearly done his research into the novel’s distinct setting and culture, with the vast outback landscape and isolated township rendered in visceral detail … There is plenty of suspense and several gripping moments, all of which ad up to a thrilling ending that will engage readers who enjoy Stephen King, Anna Snoekstra’s Out of Breath and Lucy Campbell’s Lowbridge.’ Books+Publishing

Jasper Cliff does work overt horror elements into its psychological suspense, with mysticism and historical violence and eldritch fantasy lurking in the distance. It’ll suck you in like a desert mirage, though don’t expect a neat ending with all loose ends tied.’ Sydney Morning Herald

Jasper Cliff is a masterclass in using the landscape to antagonise characters and driving them to do the unimaginable.’ Writing WA


Fogarty Literary Award (Shortlisted 2023)

Pages: 240
Publication Year: 2024
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Josh Kemp

Josh Kemp is an author of Australian gothic fiction. His debut novel, Banjawarn, won the 2021 Dorothy Hewett Award, the 2022 Ned Kelly Award for Best Debut Crime Fiction and the Western Australian Premier’s Prize for Best Emerging Writer. He lives in the South West of WA but finds himself drawn, over and over again, to […]