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ISBN: 9781863681384
Dimensions: B Format: 19.8x12.8cm
Pages: 172
Publication year: 2016
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Killer Boots

Written by Wendy Jenkins (d.2022)


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Thirteen-year-old Greg Lukin loves footy – playing it, and watching it. So when he bumps into his favourite AFL player Matt Tognolini at the local park, it’s like a dream come true. The accidental ‘gift’ of a pair of killer boots just makes it all that much better. But Toggo misses the boots and Greg knows he didn’t really mean to leave them for him. It’s going to be a rocky season!


Western Australian Premier’s Book Award (Shortlisted 1996)
Children’s Book Council of Australia (Notable Book 1997)

Pages: 172
Publication Year: 2016
Publisher: Fremantle Press
ISBN: 9781863681384
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Wendy Jenkins (d.2022)

Wendy Jenkins was born in Western Australia in 1952 and is a fourth generation Fremantle resident. She worked for four decades as a publisher’s editor and manuscript assessor for Fremantle Press and now writes full-time. Her poetry and fiction have appeared in numerous magazines and anthologies, and her published books include two collections of poetry […]