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ISBN: 9781925161168
Dimensions: 24x24cm
Pages: 32
Publication year: 2013
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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On a Small Island

Written by Kyle Hughes-Odgers


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On a small island, in a gigantic sea, lives Ari. Ari longs for the large ships to stop at his island, he longs to see remarkable things and to have interesting friends. On a small island, in a gigantic sea, Ari has an idea. A dazzling idea. An irresistible idea …


‘There is a gentleness to the tone and pace of the book and its simple storyline with themes of loneliness patience and creativity is heartwarming and delightful. [four out of five stars]’ Junior Books+Publishing

‘… a wonderful exploration of the idea ‘build it and they will come’.’ Mornings with Fiona Parker ABC Local Radio

‘… unique and distinctive.’ Magpies

Pages: 32
Publication Year: 2013
Publisher: Fremantle Press
ISBN: 9781925161168
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Kyle Hughes-Odgers

Kyle Hughes-Odgers is an Australian artist. He has held exhibitions throughout Australia and internationally in New York, Los Angeles, Singapore and Berlin. Kyle has also been involved in large-scale public art projects internationally (New York City, Washington DC, Los Angeles, London, Sheffield, Hong Kong, Singapore, Madrid, Berlin, Cambodia) and at home in Australia, including From […]