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ISBN: 9781921361098
Dimensions: B+ Format: 20.5x13.8cm
Pages: 112
Publication year: 2008
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Shades of the Sublime & Beautiful

Written by John Kinsella


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Shades of the Sublime & Beautiful explores issues of sublimity and beauty, contemplates the aesthetic and the transcendent, and examines nature and the artificial/made. From the small to the large, from the soothing aesthetics of shape and form through to what constitutes ‘ugliness’ or ‘terror’, it challenges our preconceptions and often finds the beautiful in the ugly, the ugly in the beautiful, or calm in the tempest, and tempest in the more benign moments.


‘One of Australia’s most vivid, energetic and stormy poets, a writer who turns to the natural world with a fierce light.’ Washington Post


The Age Book of the Year, Poetry (Shortlisted 2008)
Western Australian Premier’s Book Award (Shortlisted 2008)

Pages: 112
Publication Year: 2008
Publisher: Fremantle Press
ISBN: 9781921361098
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John Kinsella

John Kinsella’s many volumes of poetry include the prize winning collections Peripheral Light: New and Selected Poems and The New Arcadia. He is an Extraordinary Fellow of Churchill College, Cambridge University, and a Research Fellow at the University of Western Australia.