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ISBN: 9781925163131
Dimensions: 17.8x12.8cm
Pages: 256
Publication year: 2015
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Sister Heart

Written by Sally Morgan


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A young Aboriginal girl is taken from the north of Australia and sent to an institution in the distant south. There, she slowly makes a new life for herself and, in the face of tragedy, finds strength in new friendships.

Poignantly told from the child’s perspective, Sister Heart affirms the power of family and kinship.


‘This beautiful verse novel from Sally Morgan can be used as a personal and approachable conversation-starter about the Stolen Generations for mature young readers … its message is powerful.’ Books+Publishing

Sister Heart gives readers the chance to share, vicariously, some of the experiences and feelings of the stolen generations.’ Magpies

Morgan’s writing … entwines images and symbols from homeland and the children’s home: freshwater and saltwater; warmth and cold; little sister and brother; singing with family and for special guests; song lines, shadow lines, lines on a map, barred lines. Morgan’s imagery of birds and flight gain significance as events unfold.’ Sydney Morning Herald


Kids Own Australian Literature Awards (Honour Award 2021)
Prime Minister’s Literary Award (Winner 2016)
Children’s Book Council of Australia Book of the Year Awards (Honour Book 2016)
Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards (Shortlisted 2016)
Inky Awards (Shortlisted 2016)
Adelaide Festival Children’s Literature Award (Shortlisted 2018)

Pages: 256
Publication Year: 2015
Publisher: Fremantle Press
ISBN: 9781925163131
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Sally Morgan

Sally Morgan was born in Perth, in 1951. She has published books for both adults and children, including her acclaimed autobiography, My Place. She has also established a national reputation as an artist and has works in many private and public collections.