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ISBN: 9781760993948
Dimensions: B Format: 19.8x12.8cm
Pages: 112
Publication year: 2024
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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The Dragon’s Treasure

Written by Mark Greenwood

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On a summer morning in 1931, four children on a remote beach make a remarkable discovery. But this is only one of many astonishing finds in the same area: silver coins, hidden chests, mysterious stones, strange objects and an unidentified skeleton. Why is it all there? Where has it come from? Can the truth be found? Join the History Hunter to unravel the marvellous mystery in The Dragon’s Treasure.

‘A docudrama-style story with a trove of tantalising titbits and facts. An enticing [series] for young readers interested in mysteries and history.’ Claire Atherfold, Readings bookseller

‘These history mysteries are well-written, meticulously researched accounts of events that have, as yet, no officially accepted explanation.’ Magpies

‘Looking for books to inspire searching for clues to uncover history? These two books have ample narrative to make them engaging and facts to make them fascinating. They are worthy reading for potential historians.’ StoryLinks

‘This is a new series that is going to capture the imagination and perhaps inspire more history hunters like him.’ The Bottom Shelf

‘The Dragon’s Treasure is an engaging read that will appeal to younger readers who enjoy learning about the past.’ ReadPlus

The Dragon’s Treasure is a fascinating story that will have junior readers searching for more information on the Gilt Dragon and its treasures.’ LittleSquirrelBookShelf

Pages: 112
Publication Year: 2024
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Mark Greenwood

Mark Greenwood is a history hunter. He enjoys searching for lost explorers and glittering treasure, delving into baffling mysteries and investigating famous cold cases. His award-winning books examining history and multicultural themes have been honoured internationally. Mark often teams with his wife, illustrator Frané Lessac, to produce books that promote an understanding of multicultural issues, […]

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