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ISBN: 9781760991791
Dimensions: C Format: 23x15.2cm
Pages: 304
Publication year: 2022
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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The Glass House

Written by Brooke Dunnell

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Julia Lambett heads across the country to her hometown where she’s been given the job of moving her recalcitrant father out of his home and into care. But when Julia arrives at the 1970s suburban palace of her childhood, she finds her father has adopted a mysterious dog and refuses to leave.

Frustrated and alone, when a childhood friend crosses her path, Julia turns to Davina for comfort and support. But quite soon Julia begins to doubt Davina’s motivations. Why is Davina taking a determined interest in all the things that Julia hoped she had left behind? Soon Julia starts having troubling dreams, and with four decades of possessions to be managed and dispersed, she uncovers long-forgotten, deeply unsettling memories.


‘Brooke Dunnell’s novel teases literary domestic drama into a slow-burn psychological mystery; its insights into, and intimate perspective on, family relationships are vivid and unsettlingly drawn.’ Sydney Morning Herald

‘Evocative, unsettling, and warmly told, a breathtaking portrayal of the intimacies of an ordinary family from a thrilling storyteller.’ Brooke Davis

‘A superlative novel – delicate, fragile and deeply reflective, with prose that can shatter and fine edges that cut deep.’ Catherine Noske

‘This debut novel is a stunning portrayal of family and friendship, secrets and betrayal.’ Abbey’s Bookshop

‘This is a quietly meandering book about life, friendship and the changing nature of relationships throughout a lifespan. I enjoyed it greatly and will certainly be lining up to read more from this author.’ Sandy’s Book A Day

‘The Glass House is a compulsively readable domestic noir. It defies classification into any one genre. The prose is literary, the suspense is reminiscent of a thriller, whilst the complex exploration of relationships leans towards the hallmarks of contemporary fiction. The Glass House is a great read, and I recommend you pick it up for your next book club.’ AU Review

‘I enjoyed it greatly and will certainly be lining up to read more from this author. I love that the author doesn’t tie everything up in a nice neat bow at the end. The ending is perfect, just as it is.’ Sandy’s Book a Day

‘… Dunnell’s descriptions are rich in detail and presence… Intriguing and intimate, this award-winning novel depicts complex dynamics with style, suspense and stunning prose.’ Writing WA

‘… the world is solid, well painted. There are a couple turns of phrases that positively pleased me.’ Radio NZ

‘… a slow-burning domestic noir, evoking the intensity of childhood and adolescent friendships and the inexorability of old patterns of behaviour when such bonds are revisited in adulthood.’ The West Australian

The Glass House tells of the challenges faced by an ordinary family and is an absorbing slow burn of a tale, steadily reeling you in towards an unknown destination. It is both unsettling and tender.’ @melhobbs_bookwordm_reviews


Fogarty Literary Award (Winner 2021)

Pages: 304
Publication Year: 2022
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Brooke Dunnell

Brooke Dunnell is a writer, mentor and workshop facilitator. Her short fiction has been widely published, including in the short story collection Female(s and) Dogs, which was a finalist for the 2020 Carmel Bird Digital Literary Award and shortlisted for the 2021 Woollahra Digital Literary Award. The unpublished manuscript for The Glass House was the […]