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ISBN: 9781925815948
Dimensions: B Format: 19.8x12.8cm
Pages: 240
Publication year: 2019
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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The Lost Stone of SkyCity

Written by HM Waugh


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Sunaya’s peaceful village life is turned upside down when a simple mountain mission turns into a death-defying quest for survival.

Winter treks to summer pastures, mythical Ice-People that are scarily real, avalanches, ice falls, power plays, mysterious magic and surprising friendships – it seems not everything in life is set in stone …


‘With its smart and likeable protagonist and rich world-building, The Lost Stone of Sky City is perfect for fantasy lovers looking for a sophisticated bridge between middle-grade and YA. It is HM Waugh’s first novel, and I eagerly await her next.’ Junior Books + Publishing

‘I totally adored this story … I highly recommend this book and I hope you can convince a middle primary reader to explore the amazing lands, palace and tests of the Ice People.’ Momo time to celebrate reading

‘An ice filled fantasy adventure, The Lost Stone of SkyCity is packed with power plays, magical twists and a death-defying quest for survival … A wonderful fantasy perfect to be read aloud to a middle-grade class or savoured alone with a nice hot cup of tea.’ Magpies

‘HM Waugh, an environmental scientist, has presented the reader with not only beautiful descriptions of the mountains and surrounds, but a lovely magical novel with tonnes of whimsy woven through the story.’ Good Reading, National


Aurealis Awards for Best Children’s Fiction (Shorlisted 2019)

Pages: 240
Publication Year: 2019
Publisher: Fremantle Press
ISBN: 9781925815948
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HM Waugh

HM Waugh is an environmental scientist, writer and educator with a long-term love of wild places and high mountains. This has led to icy feet and sunburnt cheeks in magical countries like New Zealand, Nepal, Bolivia and Switzerland. She has studied dolphins in New Zealand and rare plants in the Wheatbelt, and worked in mining […]