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ISBN: 9781922089274
Dimensions: 23x21cm
Pages: 32
Publication year: 2013
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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The Other Bears

Written by Michael Thompson


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Mother and Father Koala are suspicious of the OTHER bears. They don’t like the pandas and they don’t trust the polars. The black bears are noisy and the brown bears have big teeth. But all their grumpiness melts away watching the littlest bears at play.


‘A fun tale about tolerance and acceptance.’ Nurture Magazine

‘Thompson has created a timely tale of love and acceptance without undue moralising.’ Child Magazines

‘Highly recommended.’ Reading Time


Pages: 32
Publication Year: 2013
Publisher: Fremantle Press
ISBN: 9781922089274
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Michael Thompson

Michael has drawn pictures for as long as he can remember. His Grade 2 teacher showed him how to make a picture book and he has been thinking about them (and collecting them) on and off ever since. His parents still have his first book, How the Rabbit got its Long Ears, hidden away somewhere […]