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ISBN: 9781760992804
Dimensions: B+ Format: 20.5x13.8cm
Pages: 112
Publication year: 2024
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Tossed Up By the Beak of a Cormorant

Written by Nandi ChinnaAnne Poelina

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A stunning collaboration between poet Nandi Chinna and Martuwarra guardian Professor Anne Poelina. Punctuated by three long poems from Anne Poelina, this book-length collection explores meaningful and respectful responses to place through immersion. Together, the poems explore the beauty and complexity of the Kimberley region in Western Australia and the importance of a connection to land. Perfect for poetry lovers who enjoy collections that push boundaries and engage with important themes, Tossed Up by the Beak of a Cormorant is a powerful poetry collection about connection, nature and culture that is not to be missed.

‘Urgent poetic conversations with Poelina and Chinna offering insights into this River of life’s journey from past to present.’ Charmaine Papertalk Green
‘An evocative dialogue that challenges and inspires as two strong women speak to history, policy and, above all, the power and wonder of the Martuwarra.’ Ambelin Kwaymullina

Pages: 112
Publication Year: 2024
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Nandi Chinna

Nandi Chinna works as a Research Consultant, Community Arts Facilitator and poet. She was born on Kaurna country in Adelaide and currently lives and works on Bunuba lands in the Kimberley region of Western Australia, and on Noongar Country in the southwest of WA. Nandi uses mindfulness and meditation, slow walking and immersion in nature […]

Anne Poelina

Professor Anne Poelina PhD, PhD, MEd, MPH&TM, MA, Chair and Senior Research Fellow, Indigenous Knowledges Nulungu Institute of Research, University of Notre Dame. Adjunct Professor, College of Indigenous Education Futures, Arts & Society, Charles Darwin University, Darwin. Peter Cullen Fellow for Water Leadership. Anne is the inaugural First Nations appointment to the Murray–Darling Basin Authority […]